Weekend Update: February 3
I experience similar this was the quickest calendar week inward existence. I cannot believe it's already Feb together with it's crazy that it's already Friday. Where did the calendar week go? I wanted to tell hullo together with give thank you lot you to all the amazing girls I've been able to chat together with connect alongside this week. It's together with then fun to beak alongside you lot all! Here are some highlights from the week...
Shopping: Didn't produce too much impairment this week...
J. Crew Pullover Sweater: Shared this concluding calendar week together with only could never larn it out of my head. I promise it layers the means I want. It would hold off together with then crisp alongside a white button-down underneath.
Navy Bow A-Line Dress: It had a bow together with it's navy. Did nosotros intend I was going to tell no? I can't hold off to endeavour it on!
Bell Sleeve Button Down: This top was stunning together with I promise I dear it equally much inward person. It's certainly on the trendier side of things but I experience similar it's together with then seat together together with professional person you lot tin flame almost habiliment it wherever you lot want!
Kaleidiscope Dress: I idea this wearing clothing was to move past times away for! Between the bows on the shoulders together with the depression back, what is non to love? I accept a special house inward my ticker for Ted Baker dresses together with this is no exception! I experience similar it would survive actually dandy for whatsoever weddings coming upwards -- only the correct affect of spring!
Reading: What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty - I only can't seem to seat this mass downwardly at night! I experience only equally lost equally Alice does together with it leaves me turning every page equally rapidly equally I can.
NYC Life: Andrew together with I saw Moonlight at our favorite theater inward Battery Park (they accept recliners!!) together with I absolutely loved everything virtually it. Andrew looked at me afterward the moving painting ended together with asked why I was crying. I guess it's non for everyone but I personally tin flame run across why it's upwards for together with then many amazing Oscar nominations.
Weekend Plans: Mainly spider web log things together with shooting. Andrew's draw of piece of employment solid unit of measurement ever has a large Super Bowl political party together with then we'll survive upwards at that topographic point all twenty-four sixty minutes menses sun eating the twenty-four sixty minutes menses away. I've been all virtually the depression fundamental weekends lately.
Most Popular Item This Week: The dupe Gucci Loafers -- for a expert reason!
Throwback Post: Tips for Working Full Time together with Running a Blog -- during my Q&A on Mon a expert total of you lot wanted to know tips for fourth dimension management, specially when you lot accept a spider web log on the side. I wrote this postal service together with then long agone but it withal holds true!
Favorite Finds:
A beautiful scarf perfect for the upcoming holiday.
Grey sneakers that hold off extremely comfortable together with real similar to the $$$ yeezy shoes!
Another Ted Baker dress alongside a bow bigger together with bolder than before.
The cutest i shoulder chambray dress you lot volition run across this spring.
THE BEST nautical slides inward the whole broad world. #needASAP
H5N1 stripe dress that is uncomplicated (with a twist) together with perfect for spring.
The next wearing clothing I'm going to purchase together with habiliment every unmarried day because it's together with then cute together with perfect for work.
Favorite Blogger Post: Sydney's Stripe Maxi Skirt -- she looks STUNNING! I accept no demand for a maxi skirt similar this, but boy, does she larn inward hold off pretty.
Song of the Week: "Better" past times Rone
You all know I've been a large fan of Barstool, but what you lot may non know is i of my favorite Barstoolers is Rone, who only together with then happens to survive a rapper. I constitute him on Spotify before this calendar week together with vicious inward dear alongside a twain of his songs. This is i of them!
A Must Read: The Best Rapper Alive - Complex seat together a listing of the best rapper each twelvemonth from the 1979 to today. GUESS WHO WON IN 2016? None other than my i truthful love: Chance the Rapper (who volition survive performing at the Grammys!!!!)
A Must Watch: Donald Trump's Refugee Ban, Explained - alongside all the craziness going approximately it's difficult to know what is truthful together with what is not. I felt actually lost concluding weekend unaware of what precisely was happening together with how I could help. I idea this video explained it all inward layman's terms. If you lot desire something to a greater extent than lighthearted together with funny, here's a Car Tour (parody video)!
Ask Me Anything: Where is the gilded sailboat you lot shared on Snapchat from? Breakwater Bay!
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