WOW! I stimulate got never seen or shopped a
Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale this big before!! I'm sharing all my steals, deals too must haves from the sale amongst yous below!
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Top Row: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Bottom Row: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 I bought then much (oops) simply I had such a blast! I've been through a lot of sales before simply this 1 takes the cake! I couldn't believe how much in that place was on sale too the prices -- omg the prices -- were unbeatable! I got a lot of things for my niece too around goodies for me similar this dress, this tank, this starfish cuff (my favorite) and this top. I besides saw SO many goodies that I've worn hither on the spider web log MAJORLY marked down. Aka yous require them if yous don't stimulate got them already!!
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