Instagram Life Vs Existent Life (Vol 2)

Instagram Life vs Real Life past times pop New York mode blogger Covering the Bases Instagram Life vs Real Life (vol 2)

I was searching dorsum through onetime content the other twenty-four hr menstruation together with stumbled across this post service close my Instagram vs Real Life habits. I was laughing thence difficult remembering just what I was doing for those shots together with how I'm nevertheless doing the same dumb materials today...

I also call back how much y'all guys enjoyed that post service thence I idea some other 1 was inwards order. While my photos lead maintain changed inwards lineament since then, that doesn't hateful they're less judge-worthy. All it truly way is I instantly lead maintain a partner inwards criminal offense together with a prissy photographic idiot box camera helping me do this (thanks, Andrew!)

Instagram Life - The Casual Stroll Shot:

Instagram Life vs Real Life past times pop New York mode blogger Covering the Bases Instagram Life vs Real Life (vol 2)

What I'm trying to portray: Casually walking around inwards the prettiest Lilly Pulitzer gown inwards the middle of the day, non a attention inwards the world! I'm also super casual together with beachy because my sandals are inwards my mitt (I'm a cool mom!)

What's truly going on: I'm standing inwards ninety storey oestrus amongst 80% humidity inwards the middle of the twenty-four hr menstruation when the Sun is the highest. Not wearing shoes because I can't walk inwards them on the cobblestone/bumpy sidewalk spell casually burning my feet from the heat. I'm getting null circulation to whatever purpose of my trunk because neither my pilus nor my clothes are breathable inwards this weather. There are also drips of elbow grease falling from every scissure on my body. BUT HEY I LOOK GOOD

ETA to capture: 25 mins

Instagram Life - The Relaxing Day at the Beach Shot:

Instagram Life vs Real Life past times pop New York mode blogger Covering the Bases Instagram Life vs Real Life (vol 2)

What I'm trying to portray: Mondays RIGHT?? Just super casually getting my relaxation together with clothes tan on this comfortable tree inwards the middle of the beach side past times side to my real favorite sailboat that happens to tally my Instagram feed. #goals

What's truly going on: Oh the fourth dimension it took to instruct upwards (and remain up) on this godforsaken tree. It may non expect that tall where I am, but it's quite a long way down, together with an every bit long way up. My starting fourth dimension error was trying to climb this upwards forwards together with plough when I got to my spot. #JOKES I tried that 2 or 3 times earlier I would eventually plummet to my expiry past times sand.

I gave it 1 concluding shot together with decided to backwards crab crawl it upwards at that topographic point (seeing as how I kept falling on the plough around). I set my arms behind me together with my legs inwards forepart together with did a booty scoot all the way up. Then real (VERY) slow set down. First try: major dorsum autumn but 2nd endeavour ohhhhh it was a practiced one. I got this together with simply screamed "shoot away!" till my friend got close thirty photos. Not pictured was the expiry travelling pocket my correct arm had on that tree. SUPS relaxing, right??

ETA to capture: 35 mins

Instagram Life - The Ultimate Summer Shot:

Instagram Life vs Real Life past times pop New York mode blogger Covering the Bases Instagram Life vs Real Life (vol 2)

What I'm trying to portray: I'm as carefree together with fun as this pineapple float together with no 1 is the wiser! Bringing floaties to the beach is the cool novel matter together with I ditched the swan for fruit. I mean, who wants to behaviour a swan nether their arm for 2 summers inwards a row??

What's truly going on: What do y'all do when it's easily the most windy twenty-four hr menstruation on the trip? Bring out a large inflatable that is for certain non going to blow away into the woods! Trying to business myself upwards amongst the current of air thence the float doesn't choose grip of together with flip me over together with blow away into the abyss. If I were thinking, I wouldn't lead maintain worn a lid for this because I was truly asset downward everything that could instruct out my trunk at that moment.

We snapped away together with I got the shot but non earlier at that topographic point was a BIG OLE gust of current of air that knocked me over together with took the pineapple amongst it. I ran afterwards the float, lost my lid to the H2O together with belly flopped/body slammed it at the real concluding 2nd it was on the ground. Nothing sexier that a daughter inwards a 1 slice running afterwards simulated fruit on a tropical island...

ETA to capture: fifteen mins

Instagram Life - The Casual Sliding Down a Ramp together with Into Your Heart Shot:

Instagram Life vs Real Life past times pop New York mode blogger Covering the Bases Instagram Life vs Real Life (vol 2)

What I'm trying to portray: I'm *obviously* the coolest tyke on the block together with am able to slide downward this ramp similar the BAMF I am. Only the movies, professionals together with I tin plough over the sack line something similar this off together with it's all cheers to my slick moves together with fashionable leather jacket. Sliding into your DMs? No. Sliding into your pump <3

What's truly going on: I'm standing on the steps, 1 arm asset on behind me together with the other create to wing counting downward the moments where either I'll autumn together with plummet to my expiry or instruct a truly sick Instagram photo. 1.... 2... 3.... I outcry as I slightly lean back, elevator my feet upwards for 3.4 seconds, set my arm out to "balance" together with smile. Gotcha, didn't I? I'm non moving for a 2nd together with at that topographic point was absolutely no sliding that day. Just a picayune lean together with snap if y'all know what I mean.

ETA to capture: 10 mins

Instagram Life - The Sand-y/Summer-y Shot:

Instagram Life vs Real Life past times pop New York mode blogger Covering the Bases Instagram Life vs Real Life (vol 2)

What I'm trying to portray: #BeachCasual #SandInMyHairDon'tCare #OneWithTheBeach #BeachBum #BeachGoals

What's truly going on: Take a long difficult expect at my pose together with simply endeavour to recreate it. On your stomach, amongst your legs crossed at the ankles leaning to the left, arms way out inwards forepart thence your caput is lower to the the world but non far plenty thence y'all can't concur yourself up, caput together with lid downward but non all the way thence (again) y'all tin plough over the sack nevertheless concur yourself upwards together with concur a gulp spell your at it. WUT. All of that together with non fifty-fifty a refer of the 500 pieces of jewelry I'm wearing to the beach?! But it certain does expect cool, right?

As for the sand itself, I literally rolled to my left together with and thence to my correct to come upwards dorsum to this position. I lead maintain to instruct a picayune dingy for a photograph (said no 1 ever). Pretty certain I'm nevertheless finding sand on my body...

ETA to capture: seven mins

Instagram Life - The Hammock Shot:

Instagram Life vs Real Life past times pop New York mode blogger Covering the Bases Instagram Life vs Real Life (vol 2)

What I'm trying to portray: MAXING AND RELAXING because I'm on a hammock together with at that topographic point isn't a attention inwards the world!

What's truly going on: Have y'all always tried to lead maintain a cute photograph inwards a hammock? Because it is all but nearly impossible. Laying the regular way (at to the lowest degree for me) makes me expect similar a beached whale that got caught inwards some netting. Not cute. So I sprung for the other way to lay across together with the logistics didn't quite operate out. The hammock was wider than I was thence I had to tuck one-half of it below my knees, scrunch the repose upwards nether my butt, lay dorsum amongst my caput upwards together with my elbows WAY dorsum off the border together with do all of this spell trying non to swing. Lol yea right. We took close 100 dissimilar shots of this together with 1 1/2 worked out. 

Not fifty-fifty going to refer the fact that my feet expect hella disproportionate to my body... 

ETA to capture: thirty mins

Instagram Life - The #IHaveAThingForBigWindows Shot:

Instagram Life vs Real Life past times pop New York mode blogger Covering the Bases Instagram Life vs Real Life (vol 2)

What I'm trying to portray: SooOOoOoO New York! Waking upwards together with contemplating life spell I stare out my window onto the urban pith inwards the cutest pajamas (that purpose isn't a lie) inwards my hotel room earlier conquering the day!

What's truly going on: That air vent was blowin' mighty difficult during this photo. It came on at the worst fourth dimension together with gave me quite a shock! I hateful those PJs are cute but they're non whatever type of protection against the threescore storey air blowing out. Plus getting this variety of sitting shot takes skill. You lead maintain to sit down upwards straight, shoulders dorsum to expect natural (and non similar an untrained gorilla) all spell trying non to human activity similar you're posing for a photo. It's harder than it looks!

ETA to capture: 10 mins

I promise y'all enjoyed this picayune insight into my Instagram together with y'all don't approximate besides harshly. This is satire (for the most part) together with is meant to convey a express joy or smiling to your day! 

I'd LOVE to listen your #IGvsRealLife stories. Tag me on IG or on the weblog (leave a link below). I'd dearest to portion my favorites on an upcoming weblog together with social post!

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